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I owe a huge debt of gratitude to Terry Gosliner and Dave Behrens for their incredibly helpful assistance in identifying my nudibranch photos. For the vast majority of my shots, they turned my "I think it could possibly be..." into a positive ID.

Nudibranchs (Page 1)

Channel Islands
Costa Rica

Nudibranchs (Page 2)

Philippines (Page 1)

Nudibranchs (Page 3)

Philippines (Page 2)

Nudibranchs (Page 4)

Philippines (Page 3)

Nudibranchs (Page 5)

Philippines (Page 4)

Nudibranchs (Page 6)

Philippines (Page 5)

Nudibranchs (Page 7)

Puget Sound
San Benito Islands
Solomon Islands
St. Vincent
Vancouver Island